Barometer Capital


Barometer Capital Management Inc. is committed to grow and preserve your wealth unique to your family legacy through carefully designed bespoke portfolios that meet your individual needs.

Barometer Capital Management also provides specialized Financial, Estate, Income and Tax Planning to ensure your personal portfolio matches your financial roadmap.

The investment mandates are as follows:

  • Tactical Balanced
  • Tactical Income
  • Tactical Equity
  • Tactical Asset Allocation
Mandates Performance Comparision
as of October 31, 2024
MandateYTD1 Yr3 Yr5 YrSince InceptionCumulative Return5 Yr DeviationInception Date
Tactical Equity24.3%31.5%6.2%13.1%6.2%323.6%16.0%January 1, 2001
Tactical Income19.3%19.3%4.8%7.7%10.2%908.8%11.1%January 1, 2001
Tactical Balanced20.1%24.9%3.8%7.7%7.2%239.4%9.6%April 1, 2007
Tactical Asset Allocation16.3%23.4%3.1%8.9%7.1%410.6%11.7%January 1, 2001

Balanced Mandate

The investment objective of the Barometer Balanced Mandate is to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in leading companies in leading sectors.

The Balanced Mandate is a diversified core portfolio holding up to 60 securities that seeks to maintain as a minimum of 25% (but closer to 50% exposure) in fixed income (corporate, sovereign). Equity holdings are not restricted by market capitalization, size or sector; however, due to our strict liquidity requirements, we only invest in actively-traded securities and income-producing investments. The income portion of the portfolio may include income trusts (including real estate income trusts (REITs)), preferred shares, treasury bills, provincial and federal bonds, foreign bonds and corporate and convertible bonds. The benchmark for the Balanced Mandate is an absolute return of 8.5%.

Income Mandate

The investment objective of the Barometer Income Mandate is to achieve a high level of income by investing primarily in income-producing securities.

The Income Mandate is a diversified core portfolio holding up to 60 securities. The mandate may include preferred shares, T-bills, provincial and Canada bonds, corporate bonds and convertible bonds. The goal is to minimize risk by diversifying security holdings and purchasing income investments that exhibit the best risk/reward opportunities.

Tactical Asset Allocation Mandate

The primary objective of the portfolio is to produce a balance of income and long-term growth through the judicious use of tactical asset allocation.

The Tactical Asset Allocation Mandate is a diversified core portfolio holding up to 60 securities. The income portion of the portfolio may include preferred shares, T-bills, provincial bonds, Canada bonds, corporate bonds and convertible bonds. Equity holdings are not restricted by market capitalization or sector; however, our strict liquidity requirements mean that the Tactical Asset Allocation mandate invests only in actively-traded securities.

Equity Mandate

The primary objective of this mandate is to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in leading companies in leading sectors.

The Tactical Equity Mandate is a concentrated core portfolio of up to 45 equity securities. Our main objective is identifying leading companies in leading sectors and we do not restrict holdings by market capitalization or sector. Our strict liquidity requirements mean that the Tactical Equity Mandate only invests in actively-traded securities. The Tactical Equity Mandate is comprised of equity securities without geographic restriction.

Disclaimer: Individual account performance results and account composition may differ from that of the listed mandate due to a number of factors, including fees, client-imposed restrictions, timing of trade executions, deposits, withdrawals and market fluctuations. Mandate performance returns are expressed gross of fees and taxes, excluding those withheld by law, or other charges that may be payable. The mandate performance returns are historical annual compounded total returns unless otherwise noted. Past performance is not indicative of future results.