Barometer Capital

Barometer Disciplined Leadership Balanced Fund Awarded FundData A+ Award

Barometer-FundGrade-AwardWe are very proud to have received Fundata’s A+ Award for our Barometer Disciplined Leadership Balanced Fund ~ Awarded on January 25, 2018 for the calendar year of 2017. Pictured (left to right) Barometer’s Brian MacNicol, Jim Schetakis and Adam Jacobson.

The FundGrade rating system assesses Canadian investment funds  using three risk-adjusted performance metrics:

  • Excess return over total risk (Sharpe Ratio)
  • Excess return over downside risk (Sortino Ratio)
  • Excess return over active risk (Information Ratio)

Achieving a FundGrade A+® Rating* denotes inclusion in an exclusive group, because less than 4% of the investment fund products available in Canada have received a FundGrade A+® rating.

The award is of particular pride to us, as we continue to strive for consistent, risk-adjusted, absolute returns for our clients.

Performance for the Barometer Disciplined Leadership Balanced Fund Class A for the period ended December 31, 2017, is as follows: 7.6% (1 year), 7.5 (3 year), n/a (5 year), 7.5% (Since Inception: January 1, 2015).

Brian, Jim and Adam - Barometer Award
Pictured (left to right) Barometer’s Brian MacNicol, Jim Schetakis and Adam Jacobson.

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