Barometer Capital Management Manages Tactical, Multi-Asset Portfolios for Families,
Foundations and Endowment Funds.
Allows us to objectively manage client portfolios through all market conditions.
Everyday we assess market risks, and identify market leadership through our top-down methodology.
Our bottom-up method is designed to proactively identify leading companies across all sectors of the market.
The Barometer Global Music Royalty Fund invests in a pipeline of attractive cash-flow generating music copyrights that have a strong track record of historical earnings.
Always important to recognize inflection points.
#Bitcoin may not be for everyone but it pays to have an open mind. These shifts in relative performance only happen from time to time and can give pause to ask the question...should I allocate.
It is not a binary world and…
The way I see this chart is that #Bitcoin is on its way higher.
Always sad to see lake season come to an end, but...
change is inevitable. Got to see the positives. Ski season is coming!